Honey Turmeric Mixture

About This Recipe

Honey is versatile and delicious, containing a wide array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants, Honey is good for you. Slightly sweeter than sugar, it is a natural for adding flavor to all your recipes. Lately I have been using honey in a lot of dishes this summer like cakes and bbq sauces but the majority of its use has been in my tea. Recently I purchased a package of “Honey Spoons” made with real honey and turmeric and thought this would be a fun and quick addition to tea. Basically, it was crystalized flavored honey molded into a spoon shape to be used as sweet tasting stirrers for your tea. I was inspired by the addition of turmeric, also good for anti-inflammation and has antioxidant properties, and wanted to try my hand at making my own honey spoons for personal use and gifts.

After researching a number of recipes, none of which were exactly what I was looking for, I came across a recipe for Honey Turmeric Mixture that can be used in tea, warm water, smoothies, yogurt, made into honey spoons, or added to health shots.

Ingredients & Instructions

  • 1 cup of raw honey

  • 2.5 tablespoons of turmeric powder

  • 1 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper

  1. Mix the above ingredients together and store in an airtight container.

  2. This mixture can be kept at room temperature for a shelf life of up to 2 months, and be used in several different ways below.


  • Ground turmeric powder is easier to use than a fresh turmeric root. A relative of the ginger family, fresh turmeric is more cumbersome to use because it needs to be peeled and grated and it stains everything it touches (particularly ungloved hands). Also, if using fresh turmeric, you'll need to store it in the refrigerator and it will only last between 2-3 weeks.

  • Adding black pepper also has health benefits. The combination of turmeric and black pepper magnifies the health effects of each spice. The black pepper enhances turmeric’s absorption in the body by up to 2000%.

Warm Drinks / Smoothies / Yogurt

Add this to a cup of flavored tea or simply a cup of warm water. Please note when using honey in your tea, the water should be simmering warm and not boiling. If the water is too hot, it will reduce the health benefits of the honey. A few lemon slices makes for a nice garnish either way you make the drink.

You could also add the mixture to smoothies or mix it in with yogurt.

Honey Spoons

Fancy up the honey turmeric mixture by turning it into a decorative treat. I decided to make my own “honey spoons”. I used plastic spoons to scoop out a tablespoon of the honey mixture, filling each spoon, and then set them aside on a cookie sheet to harden. It took awhile to crystalize; times varied. Once crystalized, I put my spoons in an airtight container. While they did look pretty and perfect for gift giving, I have to admit, going forward I will just simply make up a container of the honey turmeric mixture and omit the spoons.

Health Shots

Kick things up a notch by using the honey turmeric mixture to make healthy shots.

Mix together:

1 teaspoon of the honey turmeric tea mixture

2 tablespoons of either citrus juice of your choice or apple cider vinegar

2 tablespoons of cold water

Honey: A Superfood

Overall honey is a good way to boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and suppress cancer proliferation in any form you try. Here’s to honey... a superfood.

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