Day in the Life

Orange - Not Just For Pumpkins

As a Realtor, I take my personal safety very seriously as well as that of my clients, at all times. September was Realtor Safety Month. Throughout the month there were classes offered to agents that highlighted best practices for personal safety protocol in meeting with clients, conducting property showings, and holding open houses. Unfortunately in these times, it can be risky to do our jobs.

Now that it is October, I am dealing with other safety issues. It is the start of hunting season. Many of the properties I show are large tracts of land that could be dangerous to survey, even if they are posted as "No Hunting". There have been far too many instances when we have heard gunshots nearby. And then there was also the time with my client (who happened to be a Maine Guide) that we spotted footprints made by a bobcat on fresh snow. But that is another story.

Because being outdoors during hunting season is dangerous, I always carry my orange safety gear, for both myself and my clients if needed. For me, I have my safety vest and gloves. For my clients, I made bright orange scarves that can be worn and easily washed. Anything bright orange to stand out. Safety First.

Wearing blaze orange is not for the animals, it's for the people. Deer cannot distinguish the color, but hunters can. And for that reason, wearing blaze orange enhances hunting safety. If I am out in the fields or woods I will be wearing as much orange as I can to be sure that any hunter can see that I am not a white tailed deer.

Interesting fact: 43 out of 50 states require hunters to wear blaze orange during specified hunting seasons. The remaining states who don’t require it, still strongly encourage wearing orange. Maine requires hunters to wear 2 articles of hunter orange during open firearm season on deer. One of the articles must be a solid colored hunter orange hat.


For more information on wearing orange for hunter safety:

For more information on Maine’s hunting schedules:

Another day in the life of a real estate agent. #RealtorOnTheGo

Other Day in the Life

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Recently I staged a Portland cape. I thought a nautical blue and white theme in the sunroom would look stunning.

Bears in Maine

I have been surprised at the number of bears I’ve seen as I drive around Maine for showings and other real estate work.

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A Day in the Life