Oh Dear, Lookout for Deer!

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

I have lived in Maine all my life. I know between dusk and dawn to be ever vigilant when driving. I am always scanning the side of the roads for any wildlife that may dart out in front of me. I am especially alert when driving in areas known for wildlife activity and reduce my speed to increase the distance between my car and other cars. But for all of my driving attentiveness, it didn’t help when I was recently taking a Gardiner exit off 295 when a deer leapt up from a wooded gully and made contact with my car. It was noontime on a bright clear day and the road conditions were great. My car speed was 35 miles on the ramp. None of that mattered. The result was an injured deer and damaged vehicle. 

I immediately pulled my car to the side of the road, put on my emergency lights, and made some calls. I knew not to get near the deer as an injured animal’s reactions are unpredictable and could be dangerous. My first call was to the police to report the accident. The second call was to the insurance company to file a claim and make arrangements for a tow truck. I have AAA, so one call to insurance covered both claim and towing. Lastly, I needed to inform the group that I was on my way to join for an important meeting that I might have to cancel. The state police were promptly on the scene and discreetly dispatched the animal that had fallen back into the gully. The tow truck driver arrived and was so kind as to drive me to my meeting 15 minutes away. It was a rather humorous sight I am sure for those watching me climb down from the very high cab of the tow truck in dress and high heels carrying all my belongings from my car that would be needed before the car was towed back to Gorham to the auto repair shop. At least my meeting was a success, the only bright moment of the day. 

The lesson for the day is that no matter how careful a driver you might be, nature is unpredictable on the roadways. I have included a link about Watching Out for Wildlife that I hope you find helpful.

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